Tuesday 6 April 2021

Teaching from Home

written by: Caitlyn Madzik


Within days, we went from being in a classroom full of children, to being in our homes sitting behind a computer screen wondering how we are going to teach all of our students from a distance. I began to explore websites that would engage all my students as well as ensuring it was user friendly for them and their families. I started to look more into a website called SeeSaw.


SeeSaw was very simple to navigate and had all the options I wanted. The ability to take pictures, add videos, sound clips all within a few clicks. I decided to use SeeSaw as my new learning platform. SeeSaw has a library of activities that you can browse from that connects to what you are learning with your students. From math pages to videos on how to draw Mo Willems characters. You can easily create your own activities and the interactive drawing and writing features make it easy to respond to those activities and makes it helpful for families who may not have a printer. I have a folder for just our Phys. Ed. teacher as well as my students’ music teacher. Any activities that the specialist have assigned to my students can go straight into their specific folders. SeeSaw has provided an engaging and interactive learning platform for myself, my students and their families. As much as this website/app is great, I cannot wait to be back in my classroom full of students! 

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